Pitcher Workouts – How to Increase Your Velocity With Core Training

Alright guys today I am going to blow your mind with some legit pitcher core workouts. These will increase your velocity by cultivating fast twitch rotating muscle.

Do You Core Train Bro?

If you want to throw fast as an elite pitcher, and you do not core train…GOD HELP YOU!

In other words, you have to core train. It’s not an option.

Lets get your core shredded, and turn up the radar gun.

A Strong Core =

Stronger and Faster

Pitcher Velocity

By the end of this post you will have these result …

  • Core training knowledge
  • Why it matters as a pitcher
  • How you can increase your pitcher velocity with core training
  • Possibly a six pack…maybe

Ok let’s get into it!


Core Training Is Functional

When you rotate on the pitcher’s mound. You are using all of your core. Especially your back hip (for power) and you front hip (for balance).

If you were to stand in an extended foot land position (similar to Nolan above) where your shoulder and opposite hip are separated, then you should feel your core engage across your entire body.

For example. Stand up and place both your hands at a 45 degree angel above your head. Now rotate your body. Keep your feet flat on the ground. This movement requires core engagement.

If Your Core Is Weak,

You Will Turn Slow,

And Throw Slow.

It is so important to train with rotational movements. This should be in your workout routine each week. At least 3 times a week.

Here is 2 of my favorite core workouts.

Here is 2 Velocity Core Workouts


Want a free 7 day program for core training to gain velocity? The exact reps and sets Zach did each week. Check out this free guide. Click here. 

Grab a med ball and with feet flat on the floor, hold a medball in your hands.

Twist and touch the medball on the floor.


Then twist again and touch the other side of the floor.


Move quickly and reach from one side to the other.

Tap the floor each rep.

Here is video instruction of this move:

This move has to be in your core workouts every week. Aim for high volume reps and as you get stronger. Increase the weight.

Want a free 7 day program for core training to gain velocity? The exact reps and sets Zach did each week. Check out this free guide. Click here. 

Core Workout #2 Med Ball Punch

Next, find a wall, friend or field.

Stand laterally to your target.


Twist and punch a medball as fast as you can.


Make sure you explode your hips. Also make sure you work both sides equally.

Want a free 7 day program for core training to gain velocity? The exact reps and sets Zach did each week. Check out this free guide. Click here. 

Velocity Secrets Are In Your Core

What if you have more velocity potential, but you never tap into it. (You can throw harder, but you do not know it yet. You haven’t used a huge part of your body. The core)

Well there is only one way to find out. Get your core super strong. Make your rotating core muscles the most important part of your training. And do not let anything stop you from dominating your core strength.

Do You Have a Plan?

The best core strength training is one that is planned out each day. You need to make these a constant habit every time you train.

I can help you. But I only send out core training plans to my email newsletter.

To get on my email newsletter,

and get a free 7 day training program 

“7 Day Core Strength Training Program

For High Velocity Pitchers” Click here.

Thanks For reading.

Get to work,


PS: Download this 7 Day Core Training Program For Pitcher Velocity. Its free. Click here

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Grab this free 7 day core training program for pitchers. Click here

PPS: Download your free report, “7 Daily Strength Training Habits For High Velocity Pitchers” JustClick here

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PPPS: Grab this top selling ebook “17 Core Exercises To Increase Pitcher Velocity” To read more about this book, and throwing faster through core training, click here

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